Plantar Fasciitis

(a.k.a. Heel Spur Syndrome)

We specialize in helping patients with plantar fasciitis feel better – and it's one of the most common conditions we treat. We have lots of options to help.
Heather Kaufman


What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common problems seen in a podiatrist’s office and causes of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a very thick, strong band of tissue at the bottom of the foot. It helps to lend support to the arch of the foot when weight bearing. Over time, and for many reasons, the fascia can start to become inflamed where it inserts into the heel bone.


Plantar fasciitis causes stabbing heel pain that is usually worse in the morning or after periods of rest but usually improves after a few minutes of walking. However, the pain may return after extended periods of walking or standing

What are the causes of plantar fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is caused by tension and stress on the fascia, the band of thick tissue that connects your heel bone to the base of your toe. Repeated overstretching and stress/strain of the fascia can cause inflammation, microtears, thickening, and potentially even formation of a spur at the base of the heel bone where the fascia inserts.

Treatment Options

X-rays taken of the affected heel often will reveal a spur extending off the heel bone. (Thus the term “heel spur syndrome”). Plantar fasciitis can often be treated without surgery. However, in cases where non-surgical management does not resolve the problem, surgery to release the fascia may be recommended. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Kaufman at Anchorage Foot & Ankle Clinic to determine if you have plantar fasciitis and to discuss an appropriate treatment plan for you.

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